Fluvius helps building the grids for tomorrow

Energy transition and climate adaptation

Look at how the people of Flanders live, work, move around: electricity consumption is rising everywhere. And at the same time, fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel or natural gas are increasingly being replaced by sustainable energy in the coming years. This will be generated by solar panels, wind turbines and hydropower plants, among others.

Netwerken voor morgen

Preparing grids for the future

For the energy transition to proceed smoothly, electricity distribution networks are essential. They are the lifelines that make comfortable living, working and doing business possible.

Fluvius is building these grids for tomorrow. We are doing so in various areas.

  • We are strengthening and renewing the electricity grids so that they are ready for the rising demand for electricity and the increasing influx of green energy..
  • We digitalise the electricity grids, because efficient energy use must be possible for everyone. To this end, the digital meter is an indispensable tool.
  • New techniques in the field of electricity and sewerage support the energy transition and climate adaptation. We keep a finger on the pulse and introduce relevant techniques.
  • We work intensively with public authorities, companies and citizens. Because together you achieve more. To realise all this, Fluvius is looking for extra employees.
Techniekers in een veld met windmolen op de achtergrond

Will you help to build the grids for tomorrow?

To make the energy transition possible, Fluvius is recruiting 500 additional employees by the end of 2025. Take a look at our job page. Hope to see you soon!

Techniekers aan het werk

Investing in the grids for tomorrow

Building the grids for tomorrow requires the right investments in addition to employees. On top of the €7 billion in investments Fluvius needs to ensure day-to-day operations, we foresee €4 billion in additional investments by 2032 as part of the energy transition.

Technieker geeft uitleg aan klant over digitale meter

Smarter through digitisation

Getting the grids ready for tomorrow does not just mean installing or replacing cables or adapting cabins. We are also betting heavily on digitalisation and data. Because the better we know where and when energy demand is high, the more targeted we can invest in our grids. Find out why the digital meter is so important.

Wat houdt die energietransitie precies in?

What exactly does this energy transition consist of?

And how can you prepare yourself for it? We answer these and other burning questions during an online energy flash session about the energy transition.



additional employees by 2025


of the low-voltage grid reinforced by 2032

€ 4 billion

billion additional investment by 2032

4,3 million

digital meters installed

News about the grids for tomorrow

Discover our latest news on the grids for tomorrow here.